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TRM WeatherAll® Weathertightness that works

Codemark certified CMNZ70052

15 year warranty

Weathertightness issues are a nightmare for property owners. And the conventional approach to fixing them can be almost as bad.

Often buildings need to be vacated while the remedial work is done.
For commercial landlords, that means lost income, or worse, lost tenants. For the home owner, it’s a major disruption. On top of that, remediation costs are likely to be significant. Often there’s no other way around it, and conventional remediation is the only answer. But in other cases, a less intrusive and less expensive solution is available.


The TRM WeatherAll® system

The TRM WeatherAll® System is a unique textile-reinforced, waterproof adhesive membrane, designed and manufactured in New Zealand for New Zealand conditions.


It provides durable, flexible, weatherproof joints between the many different materials of the building envelope. It adheres well to timber, metal, uPVC, ceramic and porcelain tiles and masonry. The system was designed for remedial work, but is also used to waterproof complex junctions on new construction.

A less intrusive solution

Conventional remedial weathertightness solutions are often more expensive and always more intrusive. Usually joinery has to be cut and removed, new flashings installed, and joinery reinstated. Joinery surrounds then require recladding, and interior wall linings need to be replastered and repainted.


The TRM WeatherAll® system allows remedial work can be undertaken without tenants or owner / occupiers having to vacate the building.
This is a huge advantage - for commercial landlords in particular. Once complete, there is often minimal visual impact, as the remediation work blends in with the existing building elements.


Why is it unique?

The TRM WeatherAll® system waterproofs complex multi-material junctions that are otherwise difficult or impossible to make weatherproof by conventional means. High bond strength and flexibility enable it to accommodate normal thermal, wind loading and seismic movement.

The benefits

• Fully code compliant

• Significantly less intrusive

• Minimal visual impact

• Much cheaper than conventional techniques

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