The TRM WeatherAll®
System FAQs
What is TRM?
TRM WeatherAll® is a liquid applied, fibre reinforced, flexible, specialist waterproofing membrane made up of three component materials, TRM PrimeKey® (universal primer), TRM ElastaBond® (waterproofing) and TRM ElastaMesh® (reinforcing). TRM is primarily used to waterproof junctions between dissimilar cladding materials.
How does TRM work?
Extensive research and development has proven TRM adheres to over 30 typical building materials.
Accredited TRM WeatherAll® Applicators are trained to properly prepare surfaces to accept PrimeKey® and to apply ElastaBond® and ElastaMesh® to waterproof almost any cladding junction imaginable.
Typical cladding systems often put water and air seals behind the cladding’s outermost surface, which allows water to track in behind the building envelope’s outer line of defence. TRM is both your external waterproofing protection and is an external air seal, protecting your cladding’s most vulnerable water entry locations. TRM is waterproof, airproof, strong and durable.
Why choose TRM over other leaky building solutions?
Because TRM offers an alternative to traditional remedial approaches.
TRM can significantly reduce remedial costs by upgrading your existing cladding rather than removing it. Currently accepted leaky building remedial practices recommend you either use sealant to fill junctions and cracks or, completely remove the existing cladding and replace it with new cladding.
Neither of these options are particularly palatable. Sealant is cheap and fast, but it lacks durability and peace of mind. Redesigning, re-cladding and re-roofing a building is considered the ‘belt and braces’ approach, it is noisy, dirty and expensive and often requires you to vacate the building for long periods. Further, the removal and dumping of cladding, roofing and exterior joinery is expensive and environmentally wasteful.
TRM is sustainable, because it reduces your environmental footprint by drastically eliminating construction waste to landfill and conserving manufacturing energy.
How long will it last?
TRM comes with a 15 year warranty.
We completed our first TRM project in 2008. Since then we have completed dozens of projects ranging from waterproofing a single window to waterproofing multi-storey building facades and large apartment complexes from Hamilton to Queenstown.
Research and development and membrane performance testing is always ongoing to ensure effectiveness and longevity. Our most recent 2019 inspection of our very first 2008 project found it to be in as-new condition, even without being maintained or painted since it was applied. That’s why WeatherAll can confidently provide the 15 year TRM product warranty to its customers.
Can Weatherall's systems be used on all types of buildings?
Yes it can.
From its inception customers have used TRM as a means of obtaining historic Code Compliance Certificates, while at the same time avoiding extensive and costly recladding work. Since then it has been used on new builds, standalone dwellings, luxury apartment complexes, both commercial and residential multi-storey buildings and office blocks.
What does CodeMark® mean?
CodeMark® is New Zealand’s own building product certification scheme.
The CodeMark® scheme is administered by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) and is overseen by both New Zealand’s Ministry of Building Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the Australian Building Codes Board.
A CodeMark® approved building product or system has undergone rigorous third-party testing, analysis and review. CodeMark® approved systems and products are audited annually by an accredited Product Certification Body.
TRM is audited by Bureau Veritas International. Most importantly, CodeMark® Certified products and systems are deemed by virtue of their CodeMark® status to meet the New Zealand Building Code. In accordance with the NZ Building Act, Building Consent Authorities must approve them as long as they are being used in accordance with their CodeMark® accreditation. TRM WeatherAll® was CodeMark® approved in January 2016.
Why choose TRM over other membrane solutions?
TRM is CodeMark® approved
It is tested and proven to adhere to over 30 typical building substrates, including glass. No other waterproofing solution matches its CodeMark® compliance, cost effectiveness, versatility, durability and unobtrusive aesthetics.
What does it cost?
TRM offers alternative solution.
TRM is custom designed to each building’s specific needs, because all projects vary depending on detail complexity, substrate types, project size and whether it is a commercial or a residential project. TRM offers our customers a significantly less costly alternative to the typical re-design, re-clad and re-roof approach currently being offered.
Why do we have weather tightness issues in New Zealand?
The Building Act 1991 changed building controls from a prescriptive system to a more self-regulated regime. In addition, the apprenticeship training system for builders and related building trades were dropped.
High demand for construction of buildings and residential properties, as well as an architectural design trend towards Mediterranean-style houses with complex roofs, plastered exterior walls, internal decks and small or no eaves was also a factor.
Building Consents were issued based on insufficient documentation for buildings, which were later found to have leaking problems.
Some builders were unable to construct weathertight structures due to lack of appropriate guidance or detailed specifications. (This had been partially blamed on the breakdown of the apprenticeship system and unqualified builders in the marketplace).